It? not hard to envision Digital Banking Trends what all this means for manufacturers and service providers. Annual ATM sales in North America are likely to take a sharp drop and at the same time Digital Banking Trends, providing efficient service and especially support for replacement parts will make or break those who maintain the machines Digital Banking Trends.

Digital Banking Trends ATM parts ATM sliding rails Global ATM

最新消息 Digital Banking Trends ATM parts ATM sliding rails Global ATM
最新消息 Digital Banking Trends ATM parts ATM sliding rails Global ATM

The World's Favorite Way to Pay: 2018 ATM Sales and Service Outlook

MasterCard has estimated that over 84% of global retail transactions are settled in cash. With an estimated 500 to 700 billion banknotes in circulation worldwide, cash is a product which has penetrated the global market in a way that no other product has to date. The reason for this can in part be attributed to the 3.2 million ATMS currently issuing cash to consumers. In the majority of the developed world there seem to be cash machines everywhere, meaning that in some markets like the US, we are beginning to see a slowdown in the number of new machines being purchased. However, in the developing world, there’s still plenty of room for growth.
According to ATM Marketplace, industry projections state the U.S. ATM industry will reach full saturation in 2018.
“With nearly half a million ATMs operating in the U.S., it sometimes seems that there really is one on every corner. Buoyed over the last several years by upgrades and replacements for ADA and EMV, 2018 ATM hardware sales are now poised to fall off the proverbial cliff.”
While growth slows to a crawl in the U.S., in other parts of the world like Asia and Africa, the demand for cash remains strong, especially given rising economic uncertainty. It is predicted that growth in many of these markets will continue for the foreseeable future, and the key challenge for many banks is getting enough ATMs installed to deliver cash to their customers.
It’s not hard to envision what all this means for manufacturers and service providers. Annual ATM sales in North America are likely to take a sharp drop and at the same time, providing efficient service and especially support for replacement parts will make or break those who maintain the machines. When it comes to new ATM machines and the necessary parts for maintenance, manufacturers and service providers are going to need reliable, low cost parts to build and service machines and ensure customers can withdraw cash when needed.
For further information on TUMA slider systems suitable for ATM applications, please contact us for more information.
